A regular meeting of the Django Software Foundation Board of Directors was held on Mar 5, 2015. Russell Keith-Magee led the meeting.



Old Business

Code of conduct and grants

The code of conduct and grants committees have been created and under way. Russell updated the committees page with the details.


Received four applications. Decision was made to rehire Tim for the position. Russell to make a formal announcement and Tim to start at the beginning of March for a 12 month recurring contract.

Recurring fundraising

Ola reported some work done on recurring fundraising. There is a small amount left for stretch goal.

DjangoCon US

DEFNA officially a corporation and applying for non-profit. Venue has been selected and a contract signed with a university. Sponsorship prospectus has been released. Call for speakers and website should be ready.

Legal language for DEFNA needs to be circulated.

Savings account

Account has been setup, has to be approved.


No update.


No update.

Accounting changes

Transfer from Xero to Freshbooks.

New Business

PyCon AU

Sponsorhsip includes DjangoCon Australia in Brisbane. Request for $1,900 AUS (which is ~$1,5000 USD). Approved by the board.


Baptiste made a bunch of Django stickers in the past. Asked for $268 USD to get more. Approved by the board.

Event in Mbarara, Uganda

Request for an event providing breakfast and lunch. Expecting 70 ladies and a few men. Asked for $800 USD. Currently a few communication issues and the board is asking for more information.

DjangoGirls London

Asked for $300 USD. Approved by the board (Ola recused from voting).

DjangoCon Europe

Formal approval for a travel grants program for DjangoCon Europe. Last year we provided $3,000 USD. Suggested $5,000 for this year. Approved by the board.

DjangoSprint London

On 21 - 22 March. Requested 250 GBP (which is ~$400 USD). Approved by the board.

Django 1.8 Shirt

Repeat of the Django 1.7 shirt, but designer not available. Russell to ask the community if there's any designers.

Business done during the month

Open Inventor Network

No update.

Next meeting

2nd April

To add agenda to the boards next meeting, please contact the board.

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